Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Family portrait

A recent photo-shoot, of a beautiful family, close to my heart. 

I hope you enjoyed...

Please get in touch to discuss any photo-shoots. 
Website coming SOON. Watch this space. 

Emily x

Friday, 1 February 2013

Hot off the press

I'm taking the liberty, of presuming all you lovely people remember that I took some photographs, of some vintage china...

Well to jog your memories, I thought I'd share with you the great news of them being used for an advert in the GOOD OLD FASHIONED PAPER. (Chew Valley Gazette)! 

So if you're in need for some vintage china then get in touch with Harriet or Dinah via Facebook or their Website.

Or if you're in need for some photographs, please don't hesitate to contact me, my details are in the contact page at the top.

Emily x