Friday, 27 April 2012

Guest Houses in Southampton No.3

'The simplest human gestures tell stories....' - Lucian Freud.

E x

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Guest houses in Southampton No.2

An attempt at making what you'd normally consider mundane beautiful... 

My exploration of guest houses will continue, so if you like what you see, then keep your eyes peeled....

Love Emily

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Guest Houses in Southampton

Here's a glimpse of my recent work - Photographing in guest houses:

Lot's more to come! E x

Monday, 16 April 2012

A Place I once Found - East Side Of Berlin -

Last night I arrived back into Southampton, my final term of university awaiting me. So naturally the journey was pretty nostalgic. I thought on this Monday afternoon, I would provide you with a place I once found, tucked away in the East side of Berlin.I hope you like it.

- 'Vision in art is the capacity to see objects in their essential nature, in their relationship to other objects.' - H. READ 1979

E x

P.s I am aware the first image is out of focus! But I think it worked well and if not better for this post...

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Home Time

Some might say I'm not the most organised, so it's inevitable I forget something when I travel to and from Southampton and Bristol, during holidays. Here's some of the essentials I always carry with me.

I don't usually work in this meticulous manner as a photographer, so you have my apologies if it's not quite lined up!

Emily x

Friday, 13 April 2012

One of the most valuable things I've learnt in my last three years of studying photography is, bear with me as this may seem a little too simple for you wise owls. It's that you have to always carry on shooting. Even if you don't know what your taking photographs of, or if it's not relevant to your 'project'. As a photography student it can be easy to think too much about what your taking photographs of and so sometimes it's good to just get back to the basics. Enjoy being on Easter break and shoot what the heck you want. So I found these flowers and as it's spring; everyone loves a bit of still life?! If anything you'll start thinking creatively again and forget about the fact you can't think of what to take photographs of... 

HOPEFULLY. So I dared to take my Nikon out his bag and took these:

The flowers are typically not at their best but the colours and shapes seemed more alive than ever. Forgive me for the simplicity of this post but if nothing else I've shared some pretty photos and I don't regret doing a photo shoot just for the fun of it!

Emily x

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Somewhere Elsewhere

I guess i'm somewhat lacking in inspiration, motivation and well lets face it, having a serious photographers block, i'm not too sure what they're technically called, or if they're even a thing! 

But in attempt to get myself out of this; i've been looking through some old photo's, and this wood looked pretty idyllic. So I ask you to perhaps join me in this place, somewhere elsewhere, or if you'd be so kind, to help me out of this photographers block...

No seriously... Inspiration is VERY welcome. Emily x

Monday, 2 April 2012


Just a little something I've found from a film I developed a while back. Although it's not my usual area of interest, I think I quite like it.

Emily x