Friday, 30 March 2012

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Thursday, 29 March 2012

An everyday occurrence

As a photographer, my personal aim is to find the beautiful within the everyday, to highlight the moments we would normally pass by. So when I realised I'd walked passed this garage every time I'd walked to the train station and back I had to photograph it. 

Taking it just as it is; worn down, with wallpaper decaying and walls graffitied. I still found it beautiful, and to me even more enchanting, than perhaps it used to be.

Love Emily x

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

'Make tea not war.'

Just a little something from a studio still life session I did recently.

Emily x

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Landfalls Exhibition - Stephen Brigdale

I am currently interning for Stephen Brigdale for his exhibition at the Bargate Momument Gallery. - Landfalls - The Titanic & Place by Stephen Brigdale explores the cities, along with key sites and places linked with the Titanic's construction and journey. 

Four of us students have been actively involved in installing the show for 2 weeks and now look forward to 5 weeks of invigulating the show. 

It was a race to the finish but we made it in time and the private view went really well. Here's to the next 5 weeks...

Emily x

Sunday, 18 March 2012

No. 5 - Scarf

No. 6 - Shirt

No. 7 - Knickers

Apologies for my failure to post my 7 essentials on time, life got in the way...

E x

Thursday, 15 March 2012



I couldn't live without them...

Emily x

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

American Apparel I Love You. No. 3

American apparel I love you. I think it goes without saying that I wear this hoody pretty much EVERYDAY with any and every outfit.

Look forward to No.4

Emily x

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

No. 2 - Satchel

My leather satchel carries more than my everyday essentials; bought all the way from Poland, it's nostalgic charm never fails to accompany me.

Emily x

Monday, 12 March 2012

My seven wardrobe essentials: No.1

NO.1 Denim jacket:

This week I'm going to share with you seven of my most used, essential items I can't live without, so remember to check every day to find out what my seven must haves are! 

Emily x

Friday, 9 March 2012

Continuing my quest for my final major project, I've decided to have a go at giving into my temptation; photographing the sunlight. After realising I'm so often naturally drawn to capturing the light within the everyday, I figured it was about time to start making light the subject of my photographs. So here are some photographs I took on one of those sunny days, remember them?! 

And it doesn't help that one of my favourite photographers is Uta Barth either!  

My intention is that they've given you a moment of stillness within your hectic lives! Comments are welcome...

Until next time. Emily x

Monday, 5 March 2012

Initial ideas

I am Currently being really inspired by Paul Winstanley's beautiful paintings, and as I find myself at the very beginning of my final major project, I am attempting to translate my initial thoughts into a photo shoot...

Developing my last project of looking at the interior and drawing attention to the insignificant, I am looking especially at the quality of light within a space and how it creates a sense of time, quietness and stillness in an image.

To experiment I've tried out an interior so ordinary, mundane and almost the complete opposite to what I'd naturally lean towards photographing. 

So I took along my medium format to a doctors waiting room. Here are some of the results. (scanned in negatives.)

These next images demonstrate my concept better; detaching the subject matter from the image.

However although I'm glad I experimented, I know these aren't what I'm after. So please let me know your ideas and thoughts on where I could next photograph. I do like this final image though, so all in all a positive first shoot!

Emily x