Friday, 11 May 2012

Catalogue Images

Here's a sneaky peek at what I've submitted for our final show catalogue. Make sure you keep posted to find out when and where our show is....

Thanks for your comments and following, it's all really appreciated :) Emily x

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

For lack of a better word

This may sound rather silly, but I'm usually a little lost for words when people ask me to describe what type of photographs I take. Despite knowing exactly what type of photo's I enjoy taking, and them all having quite a similar style (in my opinion!)For some reason I can't find that one word, to perfectly fit. Maybe that's a good thing?  

So to those of you who don't know; I like to photograph the banal (for lack of a better word!) of the everyday, and attempt to make the simple pleasures in life beautiful. Sourcing influence from all areas of my life, whether that's being inspired by a late night conversation with a friend and drinking endless amounts of tea, or an exhibition, or a character in a book. I hope I sometimes manage to achieve images where, time seems to stand still, creating a brief pause for our hectic lives.  

So let me know, if you have any bright ideas, or more suitable words to describe my allusive narratives! But most of all I hope you enjoy them and keep on following.

Sorry about the long one.

Emily x

Guest Houses in Southampton No.6

Sometimes simple just works....

Remember to check out previous posts....

Emily x

Monday, 7 May 2012

Guest Houses in Southampton No.5

Some more scanned in negatives from my guest house project; looking at the banal of the everyday in transitional places.

Emily x

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Indian Wedding

Not long ago I got an amazing opportunity to tag along with photographer; Stu Cooper (take a look at his website here) and take some photos at Roshni & Colin's Wedding. So here are a few of what I took....

I hope you enjoyed...

Love Emily x

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Guest Houses in Southampton No.4

Hotel rooms, doctors surgeries, airport lounges are just a handful of spaces that we consider insignificant or unfamiliar. But an ever increasing proportion of our time is being spent in these curious spaces...

So what do you think, are they 'non-places'or 'places'?

Emily x